during the month of ramadan muslims take part in ------------which of these following five pillars of islam



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daily fasting my snap is k4yd3nisurbae if ur on the test and need help lmao this test sucked

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims take part in one of the five pillars of Islam, which is fasting (Sawm). To arrive at this answer, we should discuss all five pillars of Islam and then identify which pillar aligns with the practice of fasting during Ramadan.

The five pillars of Islam are as follows:

1. Shahada: The declaration of faith, which involves stating the belief in the oneness of God (Allah) and the acceptance of Muhammad as the last prophet of Islam.
2. Salat: The practice of performing five daily prescribed prayers.
3. Zakat: The act of giving alms or charity to the poor and needy.
4. Sawm: The observance of fasting from dawn until sunset during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
5. Hajj: The pilgrimage to the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which every Muslim who is physically and financially capable is required to undertake at least once in their lifetime.

Since the question specifically mentions the month of Ramadan, we can conclude that the practice being referred to is fasting (Sawm). Therefore, Muslims take part in the pillar of Sawm during the month of Ramadan.