Lucy decides to make a cake for her mother’s

birthday. She turns on the oven and sets the temperature to 350 degrees. The oven starts the preheating process and slowly will increase in temperature until it reaches the 350 degrees and then it will stop heating up. When the oven reaches the 350 degree temperature it is an example of which part of the system?

a; input
b; output
c; feedback **
d; none of the above

is c the answer ?

Yes! great job yodaaaaaa!!!!

I disagree. If a light turned on when the oven reached 350 to indicate to the cook that the desired temperature was reached, that would be feedback. I would agree with output.

thanks !

i think it may be output. not sure tho so u might wanna do some research and check for urself

its output

Yes, you are correct! The answer is c; feedback.

In this scenario, Lucy turning on the oven and setting the temperature to 350 degrees is the input. The oven heating up and reaching the desired temperature is the output. However, the feedback comes into play when the oven detects that it has reached the set temperature of 350 degrees and stops heating up. This feedback mechanism ensures that the oven maintains a consistent temperature and prevents it from overheating. Therefore, the oven reaching the 350 degree temperature is an example of feedback in this system.