Can someone help me work this question out?

The area of Greenland is 840,000 square miles. What is this number in scientific notation?

place a decimal point so that the number is between 1 and 10

Count the digits from there to the end.

840000 = 8.4 x 10^5

if counting to the left, use negative powers.

0.00034 = 3.4 x 10^-4


1. 8.4*10^5
2. 9.16*10^-6
3. 5,750,000,000
4. 0.00068
5. 520,000,000
Trust me

Math whiz is 80% correct

4/5 only question wrong was 3

A. 5,750,000,000

Brody is lying don’t believe them. Math whiz is correct with everything.

1. C

2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C

AkiBaki is correct 5/5 100%%

AkiBaki is correct

Akibaki is right thank you πŸ‘

akibaki is right

AkiBaki is still correct!

akibaki is correct!! thank you <33

that helped a lot thanks.

Thanks and Math Wiz and Brody Hawkins both said the exact same answer so you both are correct!!

thx akibaki

AkiBaki is correct for connexus! Thx so much! πŸ’―βœŒοΈπŸ˜Ž Happy Fall!πŸπŸ‚

akibaki is correct

thanks akibaki

How do we kno abiki is right what do those answers go to?

AkiBaki got me 100% 😊

Im valid

Math whiz was right!

AkiBaki is correct!!πŸ’ͺ

AkiBaki is right and so is math whiz got me 5/5 100%



bruh ive been in conexus for 4 years and theres actually 6 questons not 5

thanks math whiz

AkiBaki is correct