What was Alexander Hamilton's main reason for insisting all the nation's debts be paid in full?

1. Go to https://www.google.com

2. Type in Alexander Hamilton's reason for insisting all the nation's debts be paid in full

3. Press the Enter key.

4. Read, read, read, and take good notes.

I did that same thing @Writeacher and all i get is links for Jiskha, That was no help at all.

I tried but I did not work

Alexander Hamilton's main reason for insisting on the full payment of the nation's debts was to establish the financial stability and credibility of the newly formed United States of America. To understand his reasoning, let's walk through the historical context and key factors that influenced his decision.

1. Revolutionary War Debt: After the American Revolutionary War, the United States had accumulated a significant amount of debt. This debt was incurred to finance the war effort against Great Britain and secure independence. Hamilton understood that honoring these debts was crucial for maintaining the trust and reputation of the young nation in the eyes of foreign creditors and investors.

2. National Creditworthiness: Hamilton recognized that for the United States to thrive financially, it needed to prove its creditworthiness. By fully repaying the debts, he believed the nation would establish a solid foundation for future economic growth. This would attract foreign capital, promote commerce, and encourage domestic investments.

3. Economic Stability: Hamilton sought to strengthen the federal government's power and centralize financial control. He believed that by assuming the states' war debts, the federal government could consolidate the liabilities and have better control over economic policies. Paying off the debts would help stabilize the national economy and reduce economic uncertainty.

4. Investor Confidence: Hamilton realized that foreign and domestic investors needed assurance that the United States would honor its financial obligations. By demonstrating a commitment to repay debts, he aimed to instill confidence in investors, encouraging them to invest in the country's future growth and development.

5. National Unity: Lastly, Hamilton viewed debt repayment as a way to foster national unity. He believed that by assuming state debts, the federal government would create closer ties between the states, helping to forge a stronger sense of national identity and shared responsibility.

In summary, Alexander Hamilton insisted on paying off the nation's debts in full to establish the economic stability, creditworthiness, investor confidence, and national unity necessary for the growth and success of the United States. By doing so, he laid the foundation for the country's financial system and set it on a path towards becoming a leading global economic power.