The Incas used quipus to

A. preserve their history.
B. keep records of people and goods.
C. decide when to plant crops.
D. divide work among peasant families.
Can I get an explanation of this?

B. see


B. keep records of people and goods.

Quipus were a system of recording used by the Incas, who were an ancient civilization in South America. They were made of colored strings, knotted in various ways, and were used to keep track of important information such as census data, taxes, and the movement of goods and people.

Each knot on a quipu represented a specific piece of information, and the color, placement, and type of knot held significance. The Incas used different colors to represent different categories of data, such as red for soldiers, white for corn, and yellow for gold, among others.

The quipus were primarily used by administrators and officials to keep detailed records of the empire's resources, population, and activities. They allowed the Incas to track and account for goods and people, which was crucial for effective governance and resource management.

While quipus were not used for preserving written history in the same way as written documents, they were an important tool for record-keeping and administrative purposes in the Inca civilization.

Certainly! The Inca civilization used quipus for various purposes, particularly to keep records of people and goods. Quipus were a unique form of recording information made up of a series of colored strings. Each string contained knots that represented different numbers and meanings. The Incas used these quipus as a system of accounting and administration. They would tie knots in specific ways and combine different colors to represent different types of goods, quantities, and transactions. This allowed them to track resources, manage economic activities, and keep records of their population, including births, deaths, and labor obligations. Therefore, the correct answer to your question is B. keep records of people and goods.