Put the events in the order in which they occurred.

Egypt and Kush have an interdependent trading relationship.

Egypt wants Kush's gold, attacks, and conquers Kush.

Snefru encourages trade between Egypt and Kush.

The two countries are independent until both fall hundreds of years later.

Kush looks to expand their kingdom and conquers Egypt.

It didnt help me that much.. Can you give me a specific website??

It takes more than 4 minutes for YOU to research this question.

egypt and kush develop an interdependent trade relationship

egypt conquers kush
kush conquers egypt
assyrians conquer kush in egypt
kush and egypt continue to develop independently of each other

Put the events in the order in which they occurred.

the correct aswers are

Snefru encourages trade between Egypt and Kush.

Egypt and Kush have an interdependent trading relationship.

Egypt wants Kush's gold, attacks, and conquers Kush.

Kush looks to expand their kingdom and conquers Egypt.

The two countries are independent until both fall hundreds of years later.

1. A

2. C
3. Grain, gold
4. Egypt conquers Kush
Kush conquers Egypt
Assyrians conquer Kush in Egypt
Kush and Egypt continue to develop
independently of each other


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I am right
I am righ
I am rig
I am ri
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N o o n e is correct, i got 100%.

I'm checking n o o n e s answer

noones is so right

Guys I just did the test and got this question right the answers in order are :

Snefru encourages trade between Egypt and Kush.

Egypt wants Kush's gold, attacks, and conquers Kush.

Kush looks to expand their kingdom and conquers Egypt.

The two countries are independent until both fall hundreds of years later.

Your wellcome.