an example of an nonterminating decimal


or, with a pattern, but nonrepeating, 0.30300300030000...
or, with no pattern, √2 = 1.41421356...

sorry: 0.3333333333...

I will assume you meant non-repeating and non terminating decimals.

π or e
or 4.56566566656666...
or 10.1234567891011121314.. can you see what I am doing here ?
√41, log(54), ....

just non-terminating decimal would be something like 4.3333....
or any of the others I mentioned

An example of a nonterminating decimal is the number pi (π). Pi is an irrational number and its decimal representation goes on indefinitely without repeating. The first few digits of pi are 3.14159265358979..., but there is no pattern or sequence that can be found in its decimal representation. To get the decimal representation of pi, you can use mathematical formulas or algorithms that calculate the value of pi to a desired number of decimal places. However, no matter how many decimal places you calculate, you will never reach the end of pi because it is a nonterminating decimal.