Why did Shi Huangdi tear down the walls of Chinese kingdoms?

He needed building materials for the Great Wall.

He wanted to ensure the nobles could not defend against him.

The walls did not meet his standard specifications.

He wanted the walls rebuilt with stronger materials.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

I'm thinking the answers C or D, but I don't really know

Check your text or Google it.

I tried to Google it, I got nothing.

The answer practically jumps out a couple times in the top half of the first Google page.


Thank you ms.Sue. This really helped

ok cool

were cool cuz were from Kansas

i think D but ill tell yall when i fail the test what the answer is

To determine why Shi Huangdi tore down the walls of Chinese kingdoms, we can consider historical accounts and analyze the available information. Shi Huangdi was the first emperor of unified China during the Qin Dynasty, and he was known for his ambitious construction projects, including the Great Wall.

The correct answer is B. He wanted to ensure the nobles could not defend against him. The purpose of tearing down the walls was to centralize power and remove potential threats posed by regional kingdoms and nobles. By dismantling the walls, Shi Huangdi eliminated the ability of these kingdoms and nobles to fortify themselves and resist his rule. This action helped consolidate his power and establish a centralized and unified government.

Option A, that Shi Huangdi needed building materials for the Great Wall, is incorrect. While Shi Huangdi did oversee the construction of the Great Wall of China, the wall was built using different materials and in different regions than the walls of the Chinese kingdoms.

Option C, that the walls did not meet his standard specifications, is also incorrect. While Shi Huangdi did have architectural standards, it is not the reason he tore down the walls of Chinese kingdoms.

Option D, that he wanted the walls rebuilt with stronger materials, is not accurate either. The purpose of tearing down the walls was not to rebuild them, but to remove the ability of regional kingdoms and nobles to defend themselves.