Members of the blank were the wealthiest members of colonial society. Members of the middle class included blank.

the first blank is aristocracy ?


thanks, ms. sue

Yes, the first blank is "aristocracy." In colonial society, the aristocracy referred to the highest social class consisting of wealthy, land-owning individuals who held prestigious positions and titles. They were often born into privileged families and inherited vast estates, giving them significant wealth and influence.

Now, let's move on to the second blank. Members of the middle class in colonial society included a range of individuals who were not as wealthy or influential as the aristocracy but still held respectable occupations and enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle. This class typically comprised merchants, artisans, small-scale farmers, and professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers. They had moderate levels of wealth and could afford to live a relatively comfortable life but did not possess the same level of affluence and status as the aristocracy.