Generate a captivating image depicting the role of a non-governmental organization (NGO) addressing poverty issues in South America. Picture a diverse group of people, different in gender and ethnicity, working together to construct a prosperous community, promoting peace, and combating corruption. Then visualize a commercial scene that represents free trade among the South American countries, emphasizing on the flow of goods and people. Finally, illustrate the unique culture of Brazil, showing a blend of Portuguese architecture, carnival festivities, and urban landscapes. Make sure the image contains no written or readable text.

1. Which is the most likely way in which anti-poverty nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like Oxfam could help South America to address political challenges?

Poor people helped by Oxfam might fight corruption.

Poor people helped by Oxfam might support trade agreements.******

Ending poverty could enable South Americans to migrate to the United States.

Ending poverty could reduce political instability and corruption.

2. Which is the main goal of Mercosur?

to create a political alliance among South American countries

to allow free trade among South American countries

to address environmental challenges in South America

to raise literacy rates in South America**

4. How is Brazil different from all other South American countries?

Most of its people live in cities.

Its culture is a blend of several cultures.****

Its official language is Portuguese.

Most of its people are Christian.

1) D

2) B
3) mixed economies that generally follow market principles, but the government...
4) C
5) B
6) Chile- exports more Copper than any country in the world

Venezuela- one of the worlds leading producers of oil

Peru- fishing is an important industry

Columbia- among the worlds leading producers of coffee

100% CORRECT!!!!

@100% Correct is right

Here are the correct answers

1. Ending poverty could reduce political instability and corruption.
2. to allow free trade among South American countries
3. mixed economies that generally follow market principles, but the government
4. Its official language is Portuguese.
5. It combines African dance and European religion.
6. Chile-Exports more copper than any country in the world.
Venezuela-One of the world's leading producers of oil.
Peru-Fishing is an important industry.
Colombia-Among the world's leading producer of coffee.

100% correct so you can trust me or not your choice
Good Luck :)

100% Correct, is correct, thanks!🙏🙏

1) D

2) B
3) mixed economies that generally follow market principles, but the government...
4) C
5) B
6) Chile: exports more Copper than any country in the world

Venezuela: one of the worlds leading producers of oil

Peru: fishing is an important industry

Columbia: among the worlds leading producers of coffee

100% correct!

he do be right tho

yay he is right! thanks!

I don't think he was guessing but trying his hardest because I am trying my hardest and I read and went to all the sites and I still can't figure out the answers to the questions

thanks 100%

Thank you 100% correct!! Also who wants to play animal crossing??