the cost in dollars of a school banquet 74 + 12n where n is the number of people attending what is the cost of 52 people


I'll be glad to check your answer.

Does anybody want to lend a hand to help give all of the answers? Because, that would be really nice, and right on time too.

Just to let everybody know, that wasn't sarcastic. And, I know you guys may not belive me so, I did the test, got three wrong, but I'm going to give all the right answers as a "PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" offering.

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. A
16. B
17. B
18. C
I was so surprised when I only got three wrong. I was scrolling up and down. Math isn't my best subject. And for those of you who are like me, dive in to these answers, and maybe screenshot the page when you get a 100%
In humility of helping fellow followers of Jiskha PrincessJay.

That is soo wrong!!!!! ugh nobody follow her

princessjay. just wants us cheater to grt wrong answers.

To find the cost of 52 people attending the school banquet, we need to substitute the value of n with 52 in the given expression: 74 + 12n.

Let's substitute n with 52:
Cost = 74 + 12 * 52

Now, we can simplify the expression by performing the multiplication first:
Cost = 74 + 624

Finally, add the numbers together to get the result:
Cost = 698

Therefore, the cost of 52 people attending the school banquet is $698.

So the correct answer is B. $698.