List some important ideas that Johnny Tremain includes. Why did you choose those ideas?

Tell how using a reading role helped you understand the book. The reading roles are described in the link on Unit 4 lesson 1 slide 4. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.

Only you can write these answers. Do you see why?

This Jiskha post explains reading roles. It should help you with the second part:

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In the novel "Johnny Tremain" by Esther Forbes, there are several important ideas that are explored. Here are three significant ideas from the book:

1. Independence and Freedom: One of the central themes in "Johnny Tremain" is the pursuit of independence and freedom. The American Revolution serves as the backdrop for the story and Johnny's journey mirrors the struggles and sacrifices made by the colonists in their fight against British rule. This idea is highlighted throughout the novel as Johnny becomes more involved with the Sons of Liberty and the cause for independence.

2. Identity and Self-Discovery: Another important idea in the book is the concept of identity and self-discovery. Johnny starts the story as a proud and arrogant apprentice silversmith, but after a life-changing accident that leaves him with a crippled hand, he is forced to reevaluate his identity and find a new purpose. Throughout the novel, Johnny goes through a process of self-discovery, learning to accept his limitations and find a new sense of belonging.

3. Loyalty and Friendship: The theme of loyalty and friendship is also significant in "Johnny Tremain." The relationships between Johnny and his friends, including Rab, Cilla, and the Sons of Liberty, showcase the power of trust and companionship. These connections demonstrate the importance of standing by one another in times of adversity and working together towards a common goal.

Using a reading role can greatly enhance understanding of the book by providing a specific perspective to approach the text. Let's focus on the role of "Character Analyzer" described in the Unit 4 lesson 1 slide 4. As a Character Analyzer, one would pay attention to the thoughts, motivations, and actions of the characters in order to better understand them.

For instance, analyzing the character of Johnny Tremain himself allows us to see his transformation and growth throughout the novel. We witness his initial arrogance and pride as a talented silversmith, which is challenged by his accident and subsequent disability. This change is evident in the following quote: "His great proficiency did not leave him much humility." (Chapter 2) By examining Johnny's character, we can better comprehend his motivations, struggles, and ultimately, the lessons he learns along the way.

Additionally, focusing on the character of Rab, Johnny's closest friend, helps us understand the significance of loyalty and friendship. Rab consistently supports Johnny and encourages him to believe in a brighter future. This can be seen in the quote: "Rab was of that breed who can feel sheltered and full in fellowship." (Chapter 6) By analyzing Rab's character, we gain insight into the importance of loyalty and how it serves as a crucial element in Johnny's journey.

In summary, important ideas in "Johnny Tremain" include independence and freedom, identity and self-discovery, and loyalty and friendship. By utilizing the reading role of a Character Analyzer, we can delve deeper into the characters' thoughts, motivations, and actions, helping us understand the novel's themes more thoroughly.