1. Why did some leaders of Middle Eastern nations oppose secular governments there?

A.They believed in Westernization.
B. They thought Muslim nations should follow Islamic law.
C. They opposed governments controlled by religious leaders.
D. They wanted to establish communist governments.

2. What was the main goal of the Chinese citizens who protested the Chinese government in the late 1980s?

A. to demand access to food and water
B. to demand fairer wages
C. to demand greater political freedom
D. to demand improved schools

3. What was the main reason for Cold War conflicts between the superpowers?

A. differences over political ideologies
B. the peace terms of World War II
C. the Soviet refusal to sign arms agreements
D. U.S. trade agreements with China

4. Why does religious fundamentalism cause conflict in the Middle East?

A. Some fundamentalists are also extremists.
B. Fundamentalists are opposed to the mix of government and religion.
C. Secular governments want to end the practice of religion.
D. Fundamentalist governments support Western ideas.

5. What was the main reason for the war in the former Yugoslavia?

A. lack of resources
B. ethnic conflict
C. desire for an empire
D. interference by Western nations

And you think ... ?

Oh, sry

B, C, C, B, A?

Really writeacher why did you not respond to "Me" she gave you what you where looking for and you totally ignored her you and miss sue complain if we don't respond to you but we can't complain that you do this all the time, and this was the same day.

I'm with wow this is no way to be treated

Is it correct though? Im concerned...

b c c c

1. The battle lines changed little over four years.

2. a radical socialist group that wanted a communist government
3. widespread unemployment
4. Colonies were too costly to maintain and defend
5. They thought Muslim nations should follow Islamic law.
6. to demand greater political freedom
7. service-based economy
8. Victory in Europe- Capture of Belrin by Soviets; Victory in Pacific- The Battle at Midway
9. differences over political ideologies
10. Some fundamentalists are also extremists.
11. Mikhail Gorbachev
12. Afghanistan
13. ethnic conflict

Hope this helps for those who want to check answers!!!

In Connexus, thank you so much! I was searching for answers for so long

1. To figure out why some leaders of Middle Eastern nations opposed secular governments, we can look at the options provided:

A. They believed in Westernization. This may be a reason why some leaders supported secular governments, but it doesn't explain why some leaders opposed them.
B. They thought Muslim nations should follow Islamic law. This is a valid reason why some leaders opposed secular governments. In certain interpretations of Islam, there is a belief that government should be guided by Islamic principles.
C. They opposed governments controlled by religious leaders. This option seems contradictory since it suggests that the leaders are opposing governments controlled by themselves.
D. They wanted to establish communist governments. This is unrelated to the opposition towards secular governments.

So, the correct answer is B. They thought Muslim nations should follow Islamic law, as this is a common belief held by some leaders in the Middle East.

2. To determine the main goal of the Chinese citizens who protested the Chinese government in the late 1980s, we can examine the options:
A. to demand access to food and water. Although access to basic necessities may have been an issue, it does not encompass the broader goal of the protests.
B. to demand fairer wages. Again, this is a valid concern, but it does not capture the overall objective of the protests.
C. to demand greater political freedom. This is the most accurate choice, as the protests centered around calls for democracy and political reform, most notably seen in the Tiananmen Square protests.
D. to demand improved schools. While educational improvements may have been an underlying concern, it does not represent the primary objective of the protests.

Thus, the correct answer is C. to demand greater political freedom.

3. To identify the main reason for Cold War conflicts between the superpowers, let's analyze the provided options:
A. differences over political ideologies. This is the most common and accurate explanation for the conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The two superpowers represented opposing ideologies, with the U.S. favoring capitalism and the Soviet Union promoting communism.
B. the peace terms of World War II. Although the peace terms following World War II did create tensions and territorial disputes, they were not the main reason for the Cold War conflicts.
C. the Soviet refusal to sign arms agreements. While arms agreements were a key element of the Cold War, the conflict itself was not solely caused by the Soviet Union's refusal to sign such agreements.
D. U.S. trade agreements with China. U.S. trade agreements with China occurred later and were not central to the Cold War conflicts.

Hence, the correct answer is A. differences over political ideologies.

4. To understand why religious fundamentalism causes conflict in the Middle East, let's evaluate the options:
A. Some fundamentalists are also extremists. This option highlights that some fundamentalists may hold extremist views, but it does not fully explain why religious fundamentalism causes conflict.
B. Fundamentalists are opposed to the mix of government and religion. This is a valid reason why religious fundamentalism causes conflict in the Middle East, as fundamentalists may believe that government should be guided by religious principles exclusively.
C. Secular governments want to end the practice of religion. While secular governments may aim for a separation between religion and state, this alone does not explain the conflicts caused by religious fundamentalism.
D. Fundamentalist governments support Western ideas. This option is unrelated to the conflicts arising from religious fundamentalism.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Fundamentalists are opposed to the mix of government and religion.

5. To determine the main reason for the war in the former Yugoslavia, we should consider the options:
A. lack of resources. While resource scarcity can contribute to conflicts, it is not the primary reason for the war in the former Yugoslavia.
B. ethnic conflict. This is the most accurate explanation for the war in the former Yugoslavia. The conflict was primarily driven by deep-rooted ethnic tensions and political divisions.
C. desire for an empire. The desire for an empire is not a central cause of the war in the former Yugoslavia.
D. interference by Western nations. Although external factors played a role in the conflict, they were not the main reason for the war.

Thus, the correct answer is B. ethnic conflict.