Hi! I am doing the semester exam for ELA (9th Grade) and I am having trouble with a few questions.

The Questions are -
17. What was the author's main purpose for writing this passage?
A. To tell an uplifting story
B. To Explain how to win an Election
C. To convince students to vote for him
D. To describe the teachers in his new school

My answer is C, but I don't fully know and I have read the thing over and over again. (the story is to long to type out, but if you have the test, you should know which one I am talking about)

And number 43.
43. Which question would provide the best transition for the transition for the beginning of paragraph 3 in this letter?
A. But who worries about the teens?
B. But what about married people?
C. But why stop with age?
D. But why will this prevent accidents?

I think the answer is D, but I just want to be sure! (this is also to long to type out, but if you have the test, you should know it.)

I know I said they are to long to type out, but if they are really needed, I will put them in the comments!
Thanks for the help!

We Jiskha tutors can't help you because we don't have the test.

No, of course, I get it!

All good, I'll probably figure it out eventually, but I was just seeing if I could do this without time racking up on the test to much.

Hello! I can definitely help you with these questions. Although you mentioned that the passages are too long to type out, I can still guide you on how to approach these questions.

For question 17, determining the author's main purpose requires carefully analyzing the passage. Look for clues about the author's intentions throughout the text. Ask yourself: What is the author trying to achieve with this writing? In this case, option C, "To convince students to vote for him," seems like a reasonable answer, but it's important to review the passage again to ensure it aligns with the author's objective. Pay attention to any persuasive language or arguments that may influence your answer.

As for question 43, identifying the best transition for paragraph 3 requires understanding the flow and context of the letter. Read the beginning of paragraph 3 and consider how it connects to the previous sentence or idea. Then, read each question option and see which one provides a smooth transition. Option D, "But why will this prevent accidents?" seems like the most suitable choice based on the given context, but make sure to review the passage and paragraph closely to confirm your answer.

Remember, reviewing and understanding the passage or relevant section is key to answering questions accurately. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let me know!