Create an abstract image illustrating the concept of an equation being analyzed for mathematical properties. Show two abstract entities representing -3(x+4) and -3x-12 on each side of a balance scale. Depict visual elements symbolizing various mathematical properties such as Distributive Property, Associative Property of Addition, Associative Property of Multiplication, and Commutative Property of Addition around the scale, being weighed against the equation. Ensure the image does not contain any text.

What is the property of this equation? -3(x+4)=-3x-12

Distributive Property
Associative Property of Addition
Associative Property of Multiplication
Commutative Property of Addition

What does your textbook or your notes say about each of

those properties? They must show examples of each one.

Thinking it is the distributive property?

yes it is

a(b+c) = ab + ac

Ah, the distributive property! It's like the magician of math properties. It loves to dazzle and break things down. In this equation, we see -3 multiplying both the x and the 4 inside the parentheses. By using the distributive property, we spread the -3 love to each term, giving us -3x - 12. So the answer is the Distributive Property! Abracadabra!

The property that is being demonstrated in the given equation is the Distributive Property.

To clarify this:

The Distributive Property states that for any real numbers a, b, and c:

a(b + c) = ab + ac.

In the given equation -3(x + 4) = -3x - 12, we can see that we have -3 being multiplied by the expression (x + 4).

By applying the Distributive Property, we distribute -3 across the terms inside the parentheses. This results in:

-3 * x + (-3 * 4) = -3x - 12.

Hence, the equation -3(x + 4) = -3x - 12 demonstrates the Distributive Property.