How did Joseph Stalin try to improve the Soviet Union’s economy under his five-year plans? Select all that apply.

A. He placed the entire Soviet economy under government control.*

B. He encouraged the Soviet people to embrace fascism.*

C. He forced peasants to form collective farms.

D. He pushed the Soviet government to adopt democratic reforms.*

One of your answers is correct.

What does your assigned reading say?

Is it c

Mrs. Sue don't you think they already read there text? There here for help not to go back and read there text. Have u ever thought there text doesn't work? Or they lost there text and is waiting to get another one? No exactly so stop acting stubborn and help these children!

Well? Answers please?

To determine how Joseph Stalin tried to improve the Soviet Union's economy under his five-year plans, let's analyze each option:

A. He placed the entire Soviet economy under government control.
This option is correct. Stalin implemented a command economy, where the state controlled all aspects of the economy. This included nationalizing industries, setting production targets, and controlling prices.

B. He encouraged the Soviet people to embrace fascism.
This option is incorrect. Stalin did not encourage the Soviet people to embrace fascism. In fact, he implemented policies to suppress any opposition or alternative ideologies, including fascism.

C. He forced peasants to form collective farms.
This option is correct. Stalin implemented collectivization, which involved forcing peasants to merge their small individual farms into large collective farms. This policy aimed to increase agricultural productivity and consolidate control over the agricultural sector.

D. He pushed the Soviet government to adopt democratic reforms.
This option is incorrect. Stalin did not push for democratic reforms in the Soviet Union. Instead, he strengthened his own power and centralized control within the Communist Party, suppressing dissent and opposition.

Therefore, the correct options are A. He placed the entire Soviet economy under government control and C. He forced peasants to form collective farms.