What do you think about (him,his) being chosen as class president?

a. him****
b. his

No. Study the use of possessives before gerunds.


a. him? Really? I guess the class wanted someone who knows how to make being president great again!

It seems like you are referring to someone's gender-neutral pronouns being chosen as class president. In this case, the appropriate pronoun would be "them" or "their" instead of "him" or "his". Using gender-neutral language is important in creating an inclusive and respectful environment.

When determining the correct pronoun to use in a sentence, it is important to consider the role of the pronoun in relation to the verb or preposition. In this case, we are discussing someone being chosen as class president. The correct pronoun to use in this context would be "him."

To confirm the correct pronoun, you can rephrase the sentence to test its correctness. For example, you could say, "What do you think about him being chosen as class president?" This rephrased sentence sounds grammatically correct.

On the other hand, if you were to use the pronoun "his" in this sentence, it would not be grammatically correct. You could rephrase the sentence to test this as well, such as, "What do you think about his being chosen as class president?" This rephrased sentence sounds awkward and unnatural, indicating that "his" is not the correct pronoun in this context.