Which of the following Native American cultures built connected stone homes?

the Mississippians

the Ancestral Puebloans

the Cherokees.... MY ANSWER

the Hoyanehs

plz check



its the Ancestral Puebloans

Can you give us all the answers..... please 🥺

Which of the following Native American cultures built connected stone homes?

Maybe I can

To determine which Native American culture built connected stone homes, we can examine the options provided.

A. The Mississippians: The Mississippians were a Native American culture that flourished in the Mississippi River Valley from around 800 to 1600 CE. While they did construct large earthen mounds for ceremonial purposes, connected stone homes were not a characteristic of their culture.

B. The Ancestral Puebloans: The Ancestral Puebloans, also known as the Anasazi, lived in the present-day Four Corners region of the United States, including parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. They indeed built connected stone homes, known as cliff dwellings and pueblo structures, which were constructed using stones and adobe.

C. The Cherokees: The Cherokees were a Native American tribe mainly inhabiting the southeastern United States. They lived in houses made of wattle and daub or more commonly called "chickees." These were traditionally constructed with a framework of poles and covered with thatched roofs, but were not made of stone nor connected.

D. The Hoyanehs: The Hoyanehs is not a recognized Native American culture or tribe. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer is B. The Ancestral Puebloans were known for building connected stone homes.