Which of the following describes an effect of globalization?

A. Car parts are manufactured in Asia.

B. An American company has factories in Mexico.

C. Diamonds and other gems are sold in Africa.

D. China has placed restrictions on burning coal.
Drag the descriptions of developing and developed countries to the appropriate boxes.

high income low income

economy based on manufacturing

economy based on services and finance

widespread access to healthcare high poverty rates

developing(box) Developed (box)
What is one development in medicine that has occurred because of new surgical techniques?

A. More people die during long surgical procedures.

B. Transplants of organs have become more common.

C. Fewer people are opting for major surgeries.

D. Too many people are attending school to become surgeons.
What most likely caused the condition shown in this photograph?

A. overpopulation

B. deforestation

C. high carbon dioxide levels

D. competition for water
Which of the following has occurred because of increased competition for resources?

A. increased dependence on fossil fuels

B. overproduction of coal

C. water shortages

D. overdependence on solar power
What invention led to the development of smaller computers after the 1960s?

A. the electronic circuit board

B. the internet

C. email

D. the calculator

Can someone please HELP ME

Please explain what kind of help you want.

I want the Answers can you check them if I tell you mine


Oops I ment 1.=B

1.=B - yes. There's also another answer.

what do you mean there was only one choice, Its a onw choice answer. /:

I just reread the question and realize that the only answer is B. Good job!


To answer the question "Which of the following describes an effect of globalization?", we can analyze each option and determine which one best fits the definition of globalization.

A. Car parts are manufactured in Asia: This is an effect of globalization because it involves the outsourcing of manufacturing to a different region. As companies expand their operations globally to take advantage of cheaper labor and resources, manufacturing in Asia has become common.

B. An American company has factories in Mexico: This is also an effect of globalization. In an attempt to lower costs and increase efficiency, companies often establish manufacturing plants in other countries.

C. Diamonds and other gems are sold in Africa: This statement does not specifically describe an effect of globalization. It is more related to the distribution and sales of goods within a specific region.

D. China has placed restrictions on burning coal: This statement does not directly describe an effect of globalization either. It is more related to environmental policies and regulations within a particular country.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Car parts are manufactured in Asia.

To answer the second question "Drag the descriptions of developing and developed countries to the appropriate boxes," we can analyze the given descriptions and categorize them accordingly.

High income, economy based on manufacturing, and widespread access to healthcare are typically characteristics of developed countries.

Low income, economy based on services and finance, and high poverty rates are typically characteristics of developing countries.

Therefore, the correct categorization would be:

Developed (box): High income, economy based on manufacturing, widespread access to healthcare
Developing (box): Low income, economy based on services and finance, high poverty rates

To answer the third question "What is one development in medicine that has occurred because of new surgical techniques?", we need to evaluate each option and determine which one is a result of advancements in surgical techniques.

A. More people die during long surgical procedures: This is not a development in medicine resulting from new surgical techniques. If anything, advancements aim to reduce mortality rates during surgeries.

B. Transplants of organs have become more common: This is a valid development in medicine resulting from new surgical techniques. Advances in surgical procedures have improved organ transplantation success rates and increased the number of transplants being performed.

C. Fewer people are opting for major surgeries: This option is not a development resulting from new surgical techniques. The number of people opting for major surgeries may vary depending on various factors, but it is not directly tied to advancements in surgical techniques.

D. Too many people are attending school to become surgeons: This option is not related to developments in medicine resulting from new surgical techniques. The number of individuals pursuing a career in surgery is influenced by various factors beyond advancements in surgical techniques.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Transplants of organs have become more common.

To answer the fourth question "What most likely caused the condition shown in this photograph?", we need to evaluate each option and determine the most likely cause based on visual cues or context.

A. Overpopulation: This is not a likely cause based on the photograph, which does not depict overpopulated areas or individuals.

B. Deforestation: This is a possible cause of the condition shown in the photograph. If the photograph shows an area with significant tree loss or destruction, it could be a result of deforestation.

C. High carbon dioxide levels: This is not a likely cause based on the photograph itself. Carbon dioxide levels cannot be determined from a photograph alone.

D. Competition for water: This is a possible cause of the condition shown in the photograph. If the photograph depicts individuals or animals struggling to access or obtain water, it could be a result of competition for this resource.

Without the photograph or more context, it is challenging to determine the correct answer definitively. However, based on the provided options, the most likely cause would be either B. Deforestation or D. Competition for water.

To answer the fifth question "Which of the following has occurred because of increased competition for resources?", we need to evaluate each option and determine which one is a plausible consequence of resource competition.

A. Increased dependence on fossil fuels: This is a possible consequence of increased competition for resources. As certain resources become scarcer or more expensive, societies might resort to increased reliance on other available resources, such as fossil fuels.

B. Overproduction of coal: This option does not directly correlate with increased competition for resources. Overproduction of coal may occur due to factors like market demand or government policies, rather than competition for resources.

C. Water shortages: This is a plausible consequence of increased competition for resources. As water resources become limited or overused, shortages can arise.

D. Overdependence on solar power: This option does not directly correlate with increased competition for resources. Overdependence on solar power may stem from other factors like environmental considerations or technological advancements, rather than competition for resources.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Water shortages.

To answer the final question "What invention led to the development of smaller computers after the 1960s?", we need to assess each option and determine which one was significant in the miniaturization of computers.

A. The electronic circuit board: This is the correct answer. The invention of the electronic circuit board (also known as the printed circuit board) revolutionized electronics and computer technology by allowing for the miniaturization and integration of components.

B. The internet: While the internet has had a transformative impact on computer technology, it is not directly responsible for the development of smaller computers.

C. Email: Email is a communication protocol and application that relies on computer networks but is not directly responsible for the miniaturization of computers.

D. The calculator: While calculators have contributed to advancements in computing, they are not the primary invention responsible for the development of smaller computers.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. The electronic circuit board.