Evaluate the expression when c=-2 and y=7.


ummmhhhh ...

= -7 + 7(-2)
= ....

To evaluate the expression -y+7c when c = -2 and y = 7, we substitute the values into the expression:

-7 + 7*(-2)

Now, we simplify the expression:

-7 + (-14)

Finally, we simplify further:

-7 - 14 = -21

Therefore, when c = -2 and y = 7, the expression -y+7c evaluates to -21.

To evaluate the expression -y + 7c when c = -2 and y = 7, you need to substitute the given values into the expression and perform the necessary calculations.

First, let's substitute the values:
-y + 7c = -(7) + 7(-2)

Next, let's simplify the expression by performing the calculations:
-(7) + 7(-2) = -7 - 14

Finally, combine like terms:
-7 - 14 = -21

Therefore, when c = -2 and y = 7, the value of the expression -y + 7c is -21.