Choose the correct classification for the angle.

The angle measures greater than 90 degrees.
A. acute
B. obtuse
C. right
D. straight

please help with the whole quick check only for connexus. Thankyou

Abtuse angle .-.

Whoops srry swap that's its a straight angle

thnx wolfie but i need the answer for the whole quick check types of angles

An angle whose measure is equal to 90° is called a right angle. In the adjoining figure ∠ABC represents a right angle.


i need the answer to the whole test

give the rest the test I try to help u


Which type of angle do construction workers use when building to make sure that the walls and floors of a building are perpendicular?
A. acute
B. obtuse
C. right
D. straight

Question 3 of 5
Which of the following is the measure of an obtuse angle?

A. 40°
B. 100°
C. 90°
D. 180°

Which of the following is the measure of an acute angle?
A. 180°
B. 135°
C. 90°
D. 28*

What is the correct way to name the straight angle in the figure below?

The figure shows a line through points T, R, and S; a ray with endpoint R through point U, and a ray with endpoint R through point Q.

so wolfie it looks like u are good at math so what do you think

Street fighter -- please post your answers. I will check them.

If anyone posts the answers, both of you will be banned!

k i only wanted an explanation no need to go the extreme for the first one i pick a

2. 90

look I don't want trouble with you but oh well not my fault every single person in here hates me except wolfie I think. Look I would only stay calm because my sister is in here with me but if she wouldn't I would have said things that I would regret later on plus my sister works with the Navy

Ms. Sue ????

the only thing i want is help i am the top of my class i am the 2 best from the whole district my familly has worked for the government for years i am in 6 grade i take advanced class geometry is the only thing that i struggle with

i don't understand wolfie

You said you picked a for the first one. I don't know which you consider the first one. Please repost two or three questions you'd like explained. Start a new thread by clicking Post a New Question.

Im back street fighter

3.100 degrees
4.28 degrees

Have nice day street fighting!!

thnx wolfie you are a lifesaver

and Ms. Sue thnx but i have to leave for the training as i do gymnastics and martial arts

Thanks Wolfie

wow this was the weirdest conversation i have ever seen on here

agreed Anonymous

thanks wolfie

stop cheating

I do gymnastics...i just had class yesterday..also thx wolfie

Wolfy is correct <3 god bless him/her <3 They're the best :) Love ya <3

first off neither of you are not a second degree BLACK belt because i am in 6th grade also and i am only a yellow belt and i have been training since i was 5. if you were an actual black belt then you would have to be like 30.


3.100 degrees
4.28 degrees

here ya go


Ya now some people just use this website to help people.

Thanks Wolfie.

nunya is correct

…. this is the absolute weirdest conversation I've ever seen on here …. -_- and miss. sue sounds very rude....

Nunya is 100% correct

Oh no Ms. Sue is a S-class middle aged Karen on a site where answers are shared yet she is telling kids to stop cheating and telling them she will ban them even though she is not a mod or staff. Karens are de-evolving.

Ms. Sue I am de captain now. Please step down from your job or I will ban you.

can you actually do that?!?!?!?!?

Well I have meh answers but not any braincells from reading this. .n.

Street Fighter! Are you cheating!? Wolfie here gives you an answer and you just turn it down like that!? YOU ARE NOT EVEN TRYING DUDE

I did not cheat and the correct answer's are below! :)

1:Obtuse Angle
2:Right Angle

Thx woufie and congrats


if its larger then 90 degree's, its obtuse.


thanks for the answers doe

thx to my guy wolfie

I need 10 correct answers UGG


Thanks wolfie


uhhhhhhh....... this is a weird conversation kk uhhh.. Thk Wolfie for the answers uhh... yep ._. *me with no brainsels about now) =_= *totaly know how to spell write cant you just tell* yep i should prob go now nad get my work done(theres alot)

i am a black belt and me- maybe you are just trash

Wolfie will get you 100%!!! thanks Wolfie!!! :> :> :>

Thanks you Wolfie I got 100%

thx Wolfie 100%

I have transformed into one with Wolfie.. (I am not the real wolfie)

Idk why I looked for the answers lol this was so easy.

What...? This conversation is a bit confusing.

oh well...ig i got answers but lost some brain cells ^-^ so yipee oh well of to find roblox stories on youtube to lose some more!!!=) jk those things cringe af. anyway ty for answers wolfie!! also one more thing, we all know we only came here to cheat so dont act like you're some new bread of human or smth cause you not.

It's important to try and learn the concepts, rather than just cheating to get the answers. You won't always have access to resources like this in the future, so it's important to learn how to solve problems on your own.

At least I checked the answer that I was using so so it's more likely correct 🥲

It's always good to double-check your work, in case you made a mistake. But remember, the goal of school is to learn and understand the concepts, not just to get correct answers.