What kind of code is used in this?

508 223 and so on and so forth...

Three numbers corresponds to one letter

those numbers are are hexadecimal. it's part of the binary world

There is no evidence that it is hexadecimal

it's just a substitution cipher, since a group of digits is substituted for a letter. It confuses the issue a bit, since it requires an extra step of discovering how many digits correspond to a letter, but then it succumbs to the usual analysis.

Based on the given information, it seems like a code where three numbers correspond to one letter. To understand the code and determine the kind of code used, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the number-to-letter correspondence: Look for any patterns or relationships between the numbers and letters. For example, if the numbers range from 1 to 26, they might represent the position of each letter in the English alphabet.

2. Decode the numbers: Take each group of three numbers and decode them into letters based on the correspondence you established. For example, if the numbers 5, 0, and 8 correspond to the letter "A," the sequence "508" would represent the letter "A".

3. Analyze the resulting letters: Look for any patterns or familiar words in the decoded letters. This might help determine the kind of code used. For example, if the decoded letters form recognizable words or phrases, it could be a simple substitution cipher.

Without specific examples of the encoded numbers and their corresponding letters, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer about the kind of code being used. You may need to provide more information or examples to get a more accurate explanation.