A visual representation of three different reading strategies. The first one depicts the act of making connections. This could be represented by an image of links in a chain or a web of interconnected lines, symbolizing the connections between pieces of information. The second one is about asking questions which could be represented by an image of a thought bubble containing a question mark. The third one is contradicting the other strategies, as the concept of imply is visualized as an ambiguous, less defined shape or pattern, indicating its non-strategy behavior in reading.

Which of the following is NOT a reading strategy?

A. make connections
B. ask questions
C. imply****
can someone please check this ASAP

Romeo and Juliet is told from the first-person point of view.

A. true
B. false***
can someone check this one too please





both correct!

Im sorry but those are wrong. The story romeo and juliet is told in first person point of view. and imply is a reading strategy the correct answer for that one is making connections. i just took the test and got a 100

So what is the answer?

its false and imply star is incorrect

False and imply

1. False

2. Imply
I just took it and those r the answers :P

bug off star noone likes people like you

and yes the right answers are


The answers for (English I Honors) 2.2.5 - Quick Check: Romeo and Juliet: Act I was...

1) Shakespeare opens Romeo and Juliet with an objective point of view as the Chorus delivers a sonnet. Which of the following phrases from the opening sonnet indicate that the play will be a tragedy?

ANSWER: “a pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life”

2) Which of the following is NOT a reading strategy?


1. true

1. true

star is wrong the answers are false and imply star is trying to make people flunk this class

Still correct! (Pretty short quiz)

(1). False

(2). Imply

@Honors English l

is 100 % correct

honors english I is still correct!!