Which of the following best summarizes how the environment impacted the growth of the Maya?


The Maya had to adapt to living in high elevations with thin oxygen.

The Maya had to learn farming techniques to clear the dense rain forest.

The Maya had to build causeways and canals to adapt to living on an island.

The Maya had to expand their territory to find suitable farm land.

What does your reading assignment say?

1: B

2: A
3: C
4: B
5: A
6: D
7: C
8: C
9: hunted whales and lived in igloos-arctic culture. dog holes into the ground, hunted moose and elk- subarctic culture.
10: C
11: B
12: B
13: kings and priests could communicate with the gods
14: complex calendars
15: B
16: A
17: D
18: C
19: write yourself
20:write yourself
21: write yourself
22: write yourself
23: A
24: B
25: C
100% correct answers! :)

The best option that summarizes how the environment impacted the growth of the Maya is B. The Maya had to learn farming techniques to clear the dense rainforest.

To determine the best answer to this question, we need to analyze the options and consider the impact of the environment on the growth of the Maya civilization.

Option A states that the Maya had to adapt to living in high elevations with thin oxygen. This does not accurately reflect the environment of the Maya, as they primarily inhabited the lowlands of Mesoamerica.

Option B suggests that the Maya had to learn farming techniques to clear the dense rainforest. This is a significant factor in how the environment impacted the growth of the Maya. The Maya indeed inhabited areas with dense rainforests and developed advanced agricultural techniques to clear the land and cultivate crops.

Option C mentions the Maya having to build causeways and canals to adapt to living on an island. However, the Maya civilization primarily existed in the lowlands, not on islands. This option does not accurately reflect the environment the Maya resided in.

Option D states that the Maya had to expand their territory to find suitable farmland. This is partially true, as the Maya did expand their territory to establish new agricultural lands. However, it does not encompass the full extent of the environmental impact on their growth.

Based on the analysis, option B, which states that the Maya had to learn farming techniques to clear the dense rainforest, is the best answer. This option accurately reflects the environmental challenge the Maya faced and the consequent need to adapt their farming practices.