Although I suspected I was wrong, I refused to admit my mistake. complex

I can no longer eat sticky foods like licorice, for I have braces now. Compound sentence.
I want to give my grandma a gift for her birthday. Simple sentence

Please tell me if these are right. I got these right

All three are correct.


Yes, you got them right!

"Although I suspected I was wrong, I refused to admit my mistake" is a complex sentence because it contains two independent clauses ("I suspected I was wrong" and "I refused to admit my mistake") joined by a subordinating conjunction ("although").

"I can no longer eat sticky foods like licorice, for I have braces now" is a compound sentence because it consists of two independent clauses ("I can no longer eat sticky foods like licorice" and "I have braces now") joined by a coordinating conjunction ("for").

"I want to give my grandma a gift for her birthday" is a simple sentence because it contains only one independent clause ("I want to give my grandma a gift for her birthday"), and it expresses a complete thought.