why did the putritans come to north america?


Here is why! don't copy word for word ._.

The Puritans moved to America in order to practice their religion free from persecution. All English subjects were expected to be members of the Church of England. Being a Puritan was illegal and people who practiced Puritanism had a tough time in England. Things got especially difficult for Puritans in England around the 1620s and 1630s when the Catholic archbishop decided it was time to wipe out Puritanism in England.

yo copy the answer that "Connexus Answers ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ" posted and paste them on this website

this website can make that answer unique and u can use it :D
but if u don't do what I said it will be plagiarism and u will get an F+ Congrats m8!

-Your Dream Friend

Thank me later




use quillbot to paraphrase yourwelcome!

no help

The Puritans came to North America for primarily religious reasons. They were a group of English Protestants who wanted to separate from the Church of England in order to practice their faith in a more pure and simpler manner. Here's how you can get more information on this topic:

1. Start with a basic search: Begin by using a search engine like Google and enter keywords such as "reasons for Puritans coming to North America" or "Puritans migration to America."

2. Read reliable sources: Look for well-established and reputable sources, such as history books, scholarly articles, and websites from educational institutions or historical societies. These sources often provide well-researched information and include citations to back up their claims.

3. Explore historical context: To gain a deeper understanding, it's important to investigate the historical context of the time. Learn about religious conflicts, persecution, and the political climate in England during the 17th century.

4. Analyze primary sources: Consider reading primary sources written by Puritan leaders, such as John Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity" or William Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation." These firsthand accounts can offer valuable insights into their motivations.

5. Consult academic journals: Peer-reviewed journals that focus on early American history or religious studies may have scholarly articles discussing the reasons behind the Puritans' migration. Access these journals through academic databases, which are often available through university libraries or online subscriptions.

Remember, understanding historical events requires examining multiple perspectives and considering the broader context.