An interpretive image conveying the evolving concept of chivalry, influenced by the church. Depict a scene where a medieval church can be seen in the background. In the foreground, an array of knights in varied poses each demonstrating a different aspect of the code of chivalry. Show one knight yielding a weapon, symbolizing military conquest, another knight exhibiting acts of bravery, perhaps saving a villager from a wild beast. Another knight showcases generosity, helping the needy, while a fourth knight is seen taking off his knightly armor, indicating the elimination of knighthood.

How did the church try to reshape the code of chivalry?

by supporting military conquest

by rewarding bravery

by emphasizing generosity

by eliminating knighthood

1. By emphasizing generosity

2. Training for the priesthood
3. To provide basic health services, To provide education, To provide a place to live a life dedicated to prayer
4. Charlemagne, Roman, Christianity(in that order)
5. Peasants
6. The economic growth of European towns
7. More universities developed, An educated social class developed
8. Frequent warfare among landowners
9. Improvements in farming
10. They had become centers of agriculture, and many were located in towns.
You're welcome :D

im bored and i just want to drop out

Weird Bisexual Poet is right, 100% Tysm <3 :D

Does it matter @zay?

All you need to know is that they are 100% right!!

1. By emphasizing generosity

2. Training for the priesthood
3. To provide basic health services, To provide education, To provide a place to live a life dedicated to prayer
4. Charlemagne, Roman, Christianity (IN THIS ORDER)
5. Peasants
6. The economic growth of European towns
7. More universities developed, An educated social class developed
8. Frequent warfare among landowners
9. Improvements in farming
10. They had become centers of agriculture, and many were located in towns.
Have an amazing day!

Omg thx so much you probably just brought my grade up thank you

@weird bisexual poet
Thxs so much

thx Weird Bisexual poet i got 100 trust him

Thank you @Weird Bisexual poet!!!!
