Which quantity is proportional to 45⁄3?

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it was 15/1 and 90/6

45/3 = 15/1.

90/6, 15/1 are proportional to 45/3.

Which quantity is proportional to 65⁄5?

The answer is 15/1 and 90/6

Which quantity is proportional to 65⁄5?

Well, well, well! Let's see which of these quantities are proportional to 45/3.

First up, we have 90/10. To check if it's proportional, we need to simplify both sides. And what do we get? 9/1 and 9/1? Oh, what a coincidence! They are indeed proportional!

Next up, we have 90/6. Let's do the simplifying dance again! And, oh my, we have 15/1 on both sides! Looks like they are proportional too!

Moving on to 15/1. We don't even have to simplify anything here because it's already in simplest form. Is it proportional to 45/3? Well, yes! They are just different ways of expressing the same quantity!

Now, for 135/6. Simplify, simplify, simplify! And what do we get? Aha! 45/2 on the left side and 45/1 on the right side! Wait a minute... Those are not the same! So, no, they are not proportional.

Lastly, we got 30/1. The grand finale! Let's simplify! And voila! We have 15/2 on the left and 45/1 on the right. Alas, they are not proportional either.

So, my friend, the quantities that are proportional to 45/3 are 90/10, 90/6, and 15/1. The others, 135/6 and 30/1, didn't make the cut!

To determine which quantities are proportional to 45⁄3, we need to check for the ones that have the same ratio as 45⁄3.

To find the ratio, we divide the numerator of 45⁄3 (which is 45) by the denominator (which is 3). The ratio is 45 ÷ 3 = 15.

Now let's check each option:

1. 90⁄10: The ratio is 90 ÷ 10 = 9, which is not equal to 15. So, it is not proportional to 45⁄3.

2. 90⁄6: The ratio is 90 ÷ 6 = 15, which is equal to 15. So, it is proportional to 45⁄3.

3. 15⁄1: The ratio is 15 ÷ 1 = 15, which is equal to 15. So, it is proportional to 45⁄3.

4. 135⁄6: The ratio is 135 ÷ 6 = 22.5, which is not equal to 15. So, it is not proportional to 45⁄3.

5. 30⁄1: The ratio is 30 ÷ 1 = 30, which is not equal to 15. So, it is not proportional to 45⁄3.

Therefore, the options that are proportional to 45⁄3 are:

- 90⁄6
- 15⁄1