1. Kevin checked out an invention book because ---------had a lot of information. 2. I said, "Show--------the book." 3. Maggie typed up the notes- -------wrote about the invention 5. Ms. Jones said -----was proud of the students' hard work. 6. After --------was done, Raul went home.

You fill in the blanks and re-post, and someone here will be able to check your answers.

Kevin checked out an invention book because it had a lot of information

I said, "Show me the book"

Maggie typed up the notes he wrote about the invention

1. To fill in the blank in the first sentence, we need to look for a word that describes Kevin's reason for checking out an invention book. In this case, we can deduce that the blank should be filled with a phrase or word that implies "Kevin needed information." Therefore, the most appropriate choice is "he." The complete sentence would read: "Kevin checked out an invention book because he had a lot of information."

2. In the second sentence, we need to determine who is being addressed to complete the sentence. To find out, we can look for a phrase or word that implies "someone." In this case, the most suitable option would be "me." The complete sentence would be: "I said, 'Show me the book.'"
3. In the third sentence, we have to identify who wrote about the invention in the notes. We can do this by looking for a phrase or word before "wrote." In this case, we can see that "Maggie" is the subject who typed up the notes. Therefore, the most suitable option would be "she." The complete sentence would be: "Maggie typed up the notes- she wrote about the invention."
4. There is no fourth sentence provided in the question.
5. In the fifth sentence, we need to identify who was proud of the students' hard work. To determine this, we can look for a phrase or word that implies "someone." In this case, the most appropriate option would be "Ms. Jones." The complete sentence would be: "Ms. Jones said she was proud of the students' hard work."
6. In the last sentence, we need to identify who was done with something. To identify this, we can look for a phrase or word before "was done." In this case, we can see that there isn't a clear reference to who it is. Therefore, the sentence is incomplete and we can't determine the answer.