What is the product of 2.5 × 10 to the −15th power and 3.9 × 10 to the 26th power? (5 points)

9.75 × 10 to the 41th power

6.4 × 10 to the 1st power

6.4 × 10 to the 41th power

9.75 × 10 to the 11th power

Last choice

Usually the "and" in arithmetic means addition, so none of your choices are correct. If you meant multiply , ("times"), then I agree with the CodyJinks

2.5*10^-15 * 3.9*10^26 = 9.75*10^(-15+26) = 9.75*10^11.

To find the product of 2.5 × 10^(-15) and 3.9 × 10^26, you can use the law of exponents.

First, multiply the two decimal numbers: 2.5 × 3.9 = 9.75.

Next, multiply the powers of 10: 10^(-15) × 10^26 = 10^(-15+26) = 10^11.

Therefore, the product is 9.75 × 10^11.

So the correct answer is 9.75 × 10^11.