What happened initially when the UN forces went to support South Korea?

A. North Korean forces were quickly overwhelmed.
B. UN forces were outnumbered and poorly supplied.
C. The fighting quickly escalated beyond the Korean borders.
D. South Korea did not want to accept help from the UN troops.

what happened in initially when the un forces supports the south korea

The correct answer is B. UN forces were outnumbered and poorly supplied.

To find the answer to this question, we can look at historical sources regarding the initial response of UN forces during the Korean War.

During the Korean War, North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950. The United Nations Security Council quickly passed Resolution 82, which called on UN member states to provide military assistance to South Korea. In response, a multinational force led by the United States was assembled to support South Korea.

Based on historical records, the correct answer to the question is B. UN forces were outnumbered and poorly supplied. Initially, the North Korean forces had the advantage in terms of both numbers and equipment, rapidly advancing and capturing significant portions of South Korean territory.

However, with the arrival of UN forces, defense lines were established, and a counter-offensive was launched. The UN forces faced significant challenges due to the initial lack of resources and the overwhelming strength of the North Korean army. It took time for the UN forces to regroup and receive additional support, but they eventually managed to halt the North Korean advance.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. UN forces were outnumbered and poorly supplied.

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