Choose an appropriate metric unit for the mass of concrete in a section of the sidewalk

Please help
math double test

appropriate metric unit of mass for concrete in a section of sidewalk.

1. Kilogram (a)

2. Pineapple (b)
3. 3.2715 grams (b)
4. 627,532 mL (b)
5. 1.71 m (b)
6. 1,080^2 in (c)
7. 56 ft by 51 ft; 214 ft (c)
8. 496 ft^2 (a)
9. 6556 cm (d)
10. 53 cm (a)
11. 2162 miles (b)
12. 805 square meters
13. 410 cm (b)
14. (c)
15. 748m^2 (c)
16. 522 m^2 (c)
17. 270 m^3 (c)
18. 128 cm^2 (b)
19. 360 in^2 (b)
20. 104 f^2 (c)
21. 240 yards (c)

Is @Know me correct?

Im going to try out the answers and if their wrong Ill bust my head through a wall

@Know me we dont even have the same answers

To measure the mass of concrete in a section of the sidewalk, an appropriate metric unit to use would be kilograms (kg).

To determine the mass of the concrete, you will need a measuring instrument called a scale or balance. Here's how you can measure the mass using a scale:

1. Place the scale on a flat and stable surface.

2. Set the scale to zero or "tare" it to ensure accurate measurements.

3. Prepare the section of the sidewalk by removing any debris or objects from the surface.

4. Carefully lift the section of the sidewalk and place it on the scale. If the section is too large or heavy to directly fit on the scale, you may need to divide it into smaller parts and weigh each part separately.

5. Allow the scale to stabilize and display the mass reading. This is the mass of the concrete section.

Note: Make sure to handle the concrete section safely and avoid any unnecessary strain or injury.

Remember, when expressing the mass of the concrete in metric units, use kilograms (kg) as it is the standard metric unit for mass.