Period of orbit around the Sun: 29.5 years

Radius: 74,900 miles
Period of rotating on axis: 10 hours 39 minutes
Mass :568.46 X 1024 kg

The table shows data related to the planet Saturn. Which data is essential to find the length of a year on Saturn?

Mass of planet

Radius of planet

Period of rotating on axis ****

Period of orbit around Sun

a year is the time it takes for WHAT to happen?

That's kinda confusing..

Its A trust me yall :P because i am earthworm sally, and i carry diseases from florida to cali

flamingo refence. IM LIKE IT

aron please stop impersonating me


The answer is D :)

The essential data to find the length of a year on Saturn is the period of orbit around the Sun. Therefore, the correct answer is option D) Period of orbit around the Sun.

To find the length of a year on Saturn, we need to know how long it takes for Saturn to complete one orbit around the Sun. This will give us the time it takes for Saturn to complete its year.

The given data of the period of orbit around the Sun is 29.5 years. Therefore, we can use this information to determine the length of a year on Saturn.

read my name girls 😏