Okay so I know the answer to this but I need help with how to answer he question, okay so here's the question

Describe feudal Japanese society. What were the roles of shoguns, samurai, daimyo, and peasants?
I just wanna know if you think they want me to describe feudal Japanese society AND tell the roles of shoguns, samurai, daimyo and peasants, or describe feudal Japanese society BY telling the roles of shoguns, samurai, daimyo and peasants. what do you think I should do?

If you describe these roles in detail in the following order, you will be describing feudal Japanese society.


Okay! Thank you

You're welcome.


It's important to approach this question by understanding the instructions clearly. In this case, you should strive to describe feudal Japanese society and also address the roles of shoguns, samurai, daimyo, and peasants. This means providing an overview of the societal structure and dynamics in feudal Japan, while also explaining the specific roles and responsibilities of each group.

To begin, you can describe the basic features of feudal Japanese society such as its hierarchical structure, where power and land ownership were concentrated in the hands of a few. Explain that the society was characterized by the dominance of samurai warriors who served under the command of the shoguns and daimyo.

Next, move on to explain the roles of each group. Start by describing the shoguns, who were the supreme military commanders in feudal Japan. They held the highest power and ruled over the entire country. Explain that the shoguns were responsible for maintaining stability and controlling the samurai class.

Then, focus on the samurai. Discuss how they were the warrior class and the dominant social group in feudal Japan. Elaborate on their roles as protectors of the daimyo and the feudal system in general. Explain that they followed a strict code of honor called Bushido and were skilled in military arts and administration.

Next, explain the daimyo, who were powerful landowners and lords. Discuss their roles as regional rulers and elaborate on how they controlled vast territories. Mention that daimyo were responsible for governing their lands, raising armies, and providing protection to the peasants living within their domains.

Lastly, describe the peasants or commoners. Explain that they formed the majority of the population and were primarily engaged in agricultural work. Describe their role as the lowest social class, who worked the land and paid taxes to the daimyo in exchange for protection.

By addressing the specific roles of each group within the broader context of feudal Japanese society, you will be able to provide a well-rounded and comprehensive response to the question.