Which of the following is the best example of the spread of mass culture?

Start of the Harlem Renaissance

The Scopes Trial

popularity of Charlie Chaplin

The election of a catholic presidential candidate

I could make a convincing argument for all of these.

What do you think? More importantly which one does your text book author think?

i think it's D.

That wouldn't be my first choice. I picture a whole group of people laughing at the same thing!

i think i figured it out! the Harlem Renaissance?

It could be. What does your reading assignment say?

it says the Harlem Renaissance! i just double checked

Yes it’s Harlem Renaissance :)

B harlem renaissance

To determine which of the following examples is the best illustration of the spread of mass culture, we need to consider each option and evaluate its significance in terms of reaching a wide audience and impacting popular culture.

1. Start of the Harlem Renaissance: The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that took place in the 1920s and 1930s, primarily in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. Although it was an important cultural movement, it did not have the same widespread reach as other examples in terms of mass appeal.

2. The Scopes Trial: The Scopes Trial took place in 1925 and was a widely publicized legal case that dealt with the teaching of evolution in schools. While it attracted significant attention, it was more of a trial focusing on a specific topic rather than a broader phenomenon of mass culture.

3. Popularity of Charlie Chaplin: Charlie Chaplin was a British comedian and filmmaker who rose to prominence in the early 20th century. His films, such as "The Kid" and "City Lights," had a massive influence on popular culture and were widely distributed, making him a global cultural icon. Therefore, the popularity of Charlie Chaplin is a strong example of the spread of mass culture.

4. The election of a Catholic presidential candidate: Without specific context, it is challenging to determine which election or candidate is being referred to. However, the election of a Catholic presidential candidate, at any point in history, could be seen as a significant milestone in cultural and political history. The election of John F. Kennedy in 1960, for example, marked a turning point in American politics, given that he was the first Catholic president. Although it had a significant impact on American society, it may not be as synonymous with the "spread of mass culture" as the popularity of a figure like Charlie Chaplin.

Based on the criteria of reaching a wide audience and impacting popular culture, the best example of the spread of mass culture among the options provided is the popularity of Charlie Chaplin.