Factorise 5ac+10ab-25ad

looking for common (shared) factors in each of the terms

5 * a * (c + 2b - 5d)



I don't understand

To factorize the expression 5ac + 10ab - 25ad, we need to find the common factors of the terms. In this case, we can see that all three terms have a common factor of 5. So, we can factor out 5 from each term:

5ac + 10ab - 25ad = 5(ac + 2ab - 5ad)

Now, let's look for any additional common factors among the terms inside the parentheses. In this case, we can see that each term inside the parentheses has a common factor of a. So, we can factor out a as well:

5(ac + 2ab - 5ad) = 5a(c + 2b - 5d)

Therefore, the fully factorized form of the expression 5ac + 10ab - 25ad is 5a(c + 2b - 5d).