The farmer will not have grown paddy change into passive voice

... paddy will not have been grown ...

Paddy will not have been grown by the farmer

Hope this is the correct one

The farmar will not have grown paddy

Paddy will not have been grown by the farmer

Paddy will not have been grown by the farmer.

To convert the given sentence, "The farmer will not have grown paddy," into the passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject, verb, and object of the sentence.
- Subject: The farmer
- Verb: grown
- Object: paddy

2. Move the object (paddy) to the beginning of the sentence.

3. Use a form of the verb "to be" (in this case, "will not have been") and place it before the past participle form of the main verb (in this case, "grown").

Therefore, the sentence in the passive voice becomes:

"Paddy will not have been grown by the farmer."

Explanation of the steps:

In the active voice sentence, the subject (the farmer) performs the action (grown) on the object (paddy). In the passive voice, the object (paddy) becomes the subject, and the subject (the farmer) receives the action.

To convert sentences to the passive voice, we usually follow the pattern: object + a form of the verb "to be" + past participle verb. In this case, "paddy" becomes the subject, "will not have been" is the form of the verb "to be," and "grown" is the past participle form of "grow."