Which of the following sentences is written in the active voice? (1 point)

a) The wedding dress was sewn by Katie.
b) The red barn was painted by the farmer.
c) The boy jumped on the trampoline.
d) The chocolate cake will be served to the queen.

Active voice is when the SUBJECT is DOING the action of the verb.

1. Did the dress do the sewing?
2. Did the barn do the painting?
3. Did the boy do the jumping?
4. Did the cake do the serving?


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To identify which of the following sentences is written in the active voice, we need to understand the difference between active and passive voice.

In the active voice, the subject of the sentence is performing the action. On the other hand, in the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is receiving the action.

Let's examine each sentence to determine which one is in the active voice:

a) "The wedding dress was sewn by Katie."
In this sentence, the subject of the sentence (wedding dress) is receiving the action (sewn by Katie). Therefore, it is written in the passive voice.

b) "The red barn was painted by the farmer."
Similar to the previous sentence, the subject (red barn) is receiving the action (painted by the farmer). This sentence is also written in the passive voice.

c) "The boy jumped on the trampoline."
In this sentence, the subject (the boy) is performing the action (jumped). Therefore, it is written in the active voice.

d) "The chocolate cake will be served to the queen."
Again, the subject (chocolate cake) is receiving the action (served to the queen), making this sentence in the passive voice.

Therefore, the sentence written in the active voice is sentence c) "The boy jumped on the trampoline."