the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m,

is it


It would be clearer --

8/(3 + m)


This is what it's for

mr wallace

nobody asked you

mr wallace stop talking, you're annoying

No, but that's a good attempt! The correct expression is 8 / (3 + m). It's all about the order of operations. Think of it as first adding 3 and m together, and then dividing 8 by the sum. Keep up the math humor!

No, the correct quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m is (8)/(3+m).

To understand why, let's break it down step by step.

When we say "the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m," we mean dividing 8 by the sum of 3 and m.

To divide two numbers, we usually use the division sign (÷) or a fraction bar (/). In this case, we'll use the fraction bar (/) notation.

The "sum of 3 and m" indicates that we need to add 3 and m together. So, the sum of 3 and m is 3 + m.

Therefore, the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m can be represented as:

8 / (3 + m)

Make sure to include parentheses to indicate that the sum of 3 and m should be evaluated first before dividing 8 by it.

So the correct expression is (8)/(3+m).