creativity helps with innovation in many felds wich of the following statment is not true about creativity helping in the fields of computer technology

following statements — ?

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To determine which of the following statements is not true about creativity helping in the fields of computer technology, we need to examine each statement individually and understand how creativity can contribute to innovation in computer technology.

1. Creativity helps in designing user-friendly interfaces: This statement is true. Creativity is essential in designing intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces, which enhances user experience and promotes the adoption of new technologies.

2. Creativity aids in problem-solving: This statement is also true. In computer technology, creativity plays a significant role in identifying innovative solutions to complex problems. Creative thinking allows professionals to approach challenges from different perspectives and develop unique and efficient solutions.

3. Creativity is not a relevant skill in computer programming: This statement is not true. Creativity is highly applicable in computer programming. Programmers often need to think creatively to design elegant and efficient algorithms, develop new software functionalities, and troubleshoot complex issues.

4. Creativity has no impact on software development: This statement is the one that is not true. Creativity is fundamental in software development. Designing and developing innovative software solutions requires creative problem-solving, thinking outside the box to provide unique and user-centered functionalities.

Therefore, the statement that is not true about creativity helping in the fields of computer technology is: "Creativity is not a relevant skill in computer programming."