Drag and drop the events to the correct nation.

Canada’s path:
A) The British American act unites the provinces and allows for some self-government
B)The British were defeated in the Battle of Yorktown

United States’ path to independence:
A) The Revolutionary War was fought against the British
B) The Statue of Westminster grants independence

Please help me to tell if this correct or not. If I don’t pass this quiz I’m getting expelled so please help.

One of each pair is wrong. Check your reading assignment.

What is it then

this dosent help u dips

whats the anwser??

Drag and drop the events to the correct nation.

The Revolutionary War was fought against the British.

The British were defeated in the Battle of Yorktown.

The Statute of Westminster grants independence.

The British North American Act unites the provinces and allows for some self-government.

Canada's path to independence

United States' path to independence

Canada's path to independence:

The British North American Act unites the provinces and allows for some self-government.

United States' path to independence:
The Revolutionary War was fought against the British.

How did the Ancestral Puebloans respond to long droughts?

They built homes in the sides of cliffs.

They left their villages and moved closer to water sources.

They began digging ditches to water their crops.

They formed alliances with neighboring people.

C. They began digging ditches to water their crops.

Which environmental change allowed people to travel by land between Asia and North America?

human adaptation to Arctic environments

the introduction of horses to North America

the formation of ice sheets on land

a rise in ocean temperatures

C. The formation of ice sheets on land.