What does is evil then triumphant mean

No idea. A phrase all by itself usually doesn't mean much.

However if you supply the context for this (the sentences around it), someone may be able to help.

"Evil then triumphant" is a phrase that refers to a narrative or situation where something negative or wicked initially occurs, but eventually leads to a successful or victorious outcome. It suggests a story or an event where adversity and wrongdoing are eventually overcome, resulting in a satisfying resolution or triumph.

"Evil then triumphant" is a phrase that expresses a sequence of events where something negative or morally wrong initially prevails, followed by a subsequent victory or success. This phrase often refers to a narrative or story arc where a villain or antagonist initially gains the upper hand, causing conflict and adversity, but eventually, the protagonist or the forces of good overcome the evil and emerge victorious.

To understand the specific meaning or context of "evil then triumphant," it would be helpful to consider the source material or the medium in which the phrase is used. It could be a description of a plot in a book, movie, or a historical event. Analyzing the storyline, character development, or historical background can provide a deeper understanding of the phrase and its significance within that particular narrative or context.