To be considered for pilot school, 12 students took a spatial reasoning test that resulted in this list of scores. Find the percentile for the score value 117.

152, 121, 130, 143, 122, 101, 137, 98, 138, 127, 145, 117

17th percentile
25th percentile
77th percentile
83rd percentile

well, what % of the scores are less than 117?

Ah, percentiles! The magical land of statistics. Alright, let's tackle this.

To find the percentile for a specific score value, we need to determine the percentage of scores that are equal to or less than that value.

Alright, so we have 12 students and we want to find the percentile for the score value 117. Let me crunch some numbers for you.

If we sort the scores in ascending order, we get:
98, 101, 117, 121, 122, 127, 130, 137, 138, 143, 145, 152

Now, we can see that there are three scores (98, 101, and 117) that are equal to or less than 117. So, out of 12 students, only 3 students got a score of 117 or below.

To find the percentile, we calculate: (Number of scores ≤ desired score / Total number of scores) * 100

In this case, the percentile for the score value 117 is: (3 / 12) * 100 = 25th percentile.

That means, 117 is at the 25th percentile. So, there's still room to improve! Keep your chin up, kid!

To find the percentile for the score value 117, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Arrange the scores in ascending order.
98, 101, 117, 121, 122, 127, 130, 137, 138, 143, 145, 152

Step 2: Calculate the rank of the score value 117.
The rank is the position of the score value within the sorted list. In this case, 117 is the 3rd score value in the list.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile.
Percentile is calculated using the following formula:
Percentile = (P / 100) × (N + 1)
where P is the rank and N is the total number of scores.

Using this formula, let's calculate the percentile for the score value 117:

Percentile = (3 / 100) × (12 + 1)
Percentile = (3 / 100) × 13
Percentile = 0.03 × 13
Percentile = 0.39

Therefore, the percentile for the score value 117 is approximately 0.39 or 39%.

To find the percentile for the score value 117, we first need to organize the scores in increasing order:

98, 101, 117, 121, 122, 127, 130, 137, 138, 143, 145, 152

Next, we calculate the rank of the score value 117, which is the position of the score in the ordered list. In this case, the rank of 117 is 3, since it is the third score in the list.

To calculate the percentile, we can use the formula:

Percentile = (R / N) × 100

where R is the rank of the score and N is the total number of scores.

In this case, R = 3 and N = 12.

Plugging these values into the formula:

Percentile = (3 / 12) × 100 = 0.25 × 100 = 25

The percentile for the score value 117 is 25th percentile.