Explain how you could use a number line to find the number that is 9 less than 1.

What is the number

you can use a number line to count up to 1 then count down 9. after reaching 0, keep moving down to -1, -2, -3, etc.

That is the same as 1-9 = -8.

To use a number line to find the number that is 9 less than 1, we would start by locating the number 1 on the number line.

The number line is a horizontal line where numbers are placed at equal intervals. The direction to the right represents increasing numbers, and the direction to the left represents decreasing numbers.

On the number line, we will move 9 units to the left from the number 1. Each unit on the number line represents one whole number.

After moving 9 units to the left, we will arrive at the number that is 9 less than 1.

In this case, 1 subtracted by 9 equals -8. So, the number that is 9 less than 1 is -8.