What is the role of a lieutenant governor?

A. To check and balance the actions of the governor
B. To maintain order and decorum on the Senate floor
C. To cast the tie-breaking vote in the state legislature
D. To take over the governor's duties if the governor is out of state

I think the answer is either A or D

See how easy it is to get an answer from Google?


Thank you for you help Mrs. Sue

You are welcome.

Oh, yeah, Ms. Sue reeeeeally helped by giving you a google link.

Exhibit B: Teachers are absolute idiots

ego-erik_182 i agree :/

yall just dont respect them thats the problem

Thanks Ms. Sue I got the answer right

Is the awnser C

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the role of a lieutenant governor and consider each option:

A. To check and balance the actions of the governor: This is indeed one of the roles of a lieutenant governor. However, the lieutenant governor's responsibilities extend beyond just checking and balancing the actions of the governor.

B. To maintain order and decorum on the Senate floor: Although maintaining order and decorum on the Senate floor is an important task, it is typically the duty of the Senate president or presiding officer, rather than the lieutenant governor.

C. To cast the tie-breaking vote in the state legislature: This responsibility is usually fulfilled by the lieutenant governor. In some states, the lieutenant governor serves as the president of the state senate and may cast a tie-breaking vote when there is a deadlock.

D. To take over the governor's duties if the governor is out of state: This is also one of the primary roles of a lieutenant governor. If the governor is absent or unable to fulfill their duties, the lieutenant governor steps in and assumes the responsibilities of the governor.

Considering the options, the correct answer is likely a combination of both A and D. The lieutenant governor serves as a check and balance on the governor's actions and also assumes the duties of the governor if needed. Therefore, the answer is either A or D, and further context about the specific state's constitution or laws would be necessary to determine which one is correct.