How was the invention of the wheel important to the Sumerians?

It allowed them to conquer neighboring states.

It made traveling with traded items easier and increased trade.

It improved their communication and recordkeeping.

It helped them to water their crops all year.

And you think it's … ?

Yes, B.

Travel and transporting goods were made much more efficient by using carts and wagons with wheels. =)


It made traveling with traded items easier and increased trade.

Because let's face it, who wants to carry a bunch of stuff on their back when you can just roll it on a wheel? The Sumerians were all about efficiency, and the invention of the wheel helped them transport goods more easily and increased the amount of trade they could engage in. It was basically the ancient Sumerian equivalent of Amazon Prime.

The correct answer is B. The invention of the wheel was important to the Sumerians because it made traveling with traded items easier and increased trade.

To arrive at this answer, one needs to understand the significance of the wheel in ancient civilizations and specifically how it affected the Sumerians.

To get the answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the significance of the wheel: The wheel is one of the most important inventions in history. It revolutionized transportation and made it much easier to move heavy loads over long distances.

2. Understand the Sumerians: The Sumerians were an ancient civilization that existed in Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq, around 4000-2500 BCE. They were known for their advancements in agriculture, writing (cuneiform), and urbanization.

3. Analyze the options:
- Option A: It allowed them to conquer neighboring states. While the wheel may have aided in military conquests, there is no direct evidence or historical records to support this claim.
- Option B: It made traveling with traded items easier and increased trade. This option aligns with the benefits of the wheel and its impact on trade and commerce.
- Option C: It improved their communication and recordkeeping. While the Sumerians did develop writing systems, the invention of the wheel was not directly related to improvements in communication or recordkeeping.
- Option D: It helped them to water their crops all year. This option is unrelated to the wheel's invention and its impact on Sumerian society.

4. Eliminate incorrect options: By considering the information about the wheel's significance, the Sumerian civilization, and the options, you can eliminate options A, C, and D as they do not align with the known historical facts.

5. Determine the correct answer: After analyzing the options and considering the information, the correct answer is B. The invention of the wheel made traveling with traded items easier and increased trade, which was significant for the Sumerians and other ancient civilizations.

So, the invention of the wheel was important to the Sumerians because it made traveling with traded items easier and increased trade.