Which of the following suggests that the Indus valley people How to strong system of central government

A. Their priests conducted many religious ceremonies

B. They had a system of weights and measurements******
C. Their jewelers used precious stones to make jewelry
D.They had elaborate tunes for their kings

Your question makes no sense. But taking a wild guess at what you're trying to say, it appears your answer is wrong.

The answer is A .........It's up there Steve. Hey Ms. Sue go clap your erasers.

To determine which of the following statements suggests that the Indus Valley people had a strong system of central government, you first need to analyze the statements provided. Without the actual statements, I cannot provide a direct answer. However, I can guide you on how to approach this type of question.

1. Look for keywords: Read each statement carefully and identify any keywords or phrases that might indicate a strong system of central government. Examples of such keywords could be "central authority," "administration," or "governance."

2. Evaluate the statements: Consider the content and implications of each statement. Look for any indications of a centralized governing body or powerful administrative organization. This could include references to laws, regulations, infrastructure development, or organized public services.

3. Eliminate irrelevant statements: If any of the statements do not mention anything related to a strong system of central government, then eliminate them as options for the answer.

4. Compare and analyze: Compare the remaining statements and analyze their content to determine which one best supports the idea of a strong system of central government. Look for statements that explicitly describe an organized and authoritative structure governing over the Indus Valley people.

By following these steps, you can evaluate the statements provided and determine which one suggests that the Indus Valley people had a strong system of central government.