hi i hope u can help me

Many colonies in the Pacific islands began demanding independence

A. during world war I.
B. when japan seized control of the islands during world war II
C. after the defeat in world war II
D. soon after being colonized by european powers (my answer)

Which statement best characterizes the Aboriginal lifestyle?

A. Most Aborigines lived a nomadic lifestyle.

B. Most Aborigines developed a farming lifestyle.

C. Aborigines who lived near the coast relied on fishing, while Aborigines who lived inland were farmers. (my answer)

D. Aborgines who lived near the coast were nomadic, while Aborgines who lived inland built permanent dwellings.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the population density of Australia?

A. Most people live in the interior of the continent.

B. Most people live on the coast of the continent.

C. The population is evenly dispersed throughout the continent. (my answer)

D. Most people live in areas with dry climate.

The rest of the test answers are here:

1. After the defeat of Japan in World War ll
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. were divided into hundreds of ethnic groups.
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. (down below)
Citizens have a responsibility to vote but aren't legally required to. : New Zealand
Citizens are required to vote. : Australia
The prime minister is the head of government. : Australia and New Zealand
The monarch is a symbolic role. : Australia and New Zealand
10. mixed economies
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. practice traditional forms of art and dance.
15. D

Hope this helps!

Writeacher, this student is trying to seak help from tutors who won't give them any. Yes, I once, was a student like here, trying to seek the answers for my test. Even though I know you shouldn't give the answers, at least put in a little more effort in helping them. Effort such as: giving a bigger explanation in your own words. Not from sites. Encourage students to try harder to become the best student they can be. I really don't mean to hate, I just would like students like she/he, to have a great education and have help whenever necessary. When reading this, I want you to know, things need to start changing.

And I'm not going to lie.
I would say the same for Ms. Sue, oobleck, and all of the other tutors I didn't name.
Not hatting, just changing.

~Big Little Wonders

I know, a lot of students appreciate your help. But some don't. I do. Of course. But sometimes I don't.

I have nothing else to say...

~Big Little Wonders

Thanks Tempest

The rest of the test answers are here:

1. After the defeat of Japan in World War ll
2. C. Ice sheets make it hard for people to meet their needs.
3. B. Ozone is toxic, so its presence in the atmosphere is dangerous for the environment.
4. A. Most Aborigines lived a nomadic lifestyle.
5. were divided into hundreds of ethnic groups.
6. D. to establish a penal colony
7. A. Many Aborigines died from disease.
8. B. Most people live on the coast of the continent.
9. (down below)
Citizens have a responsibility to vote but aren't legally required to. : New Zealand
Citizens are required to vote. : Australia
The prime minister is the head of government. : Australia and New Zealand
The monarch is a symbolic role. : Australia and New Zealand
10. mixed economies
11. A. rising sea levels
12. D. for scientific research on climate change
13. A. The Aborigine population is now a minority in Australia.
14. practice traditional forms of art and dance.
15. D. They both are parliamentary monarchies.

I put the actual answers in case they switch the answers up. Your welcome.
Don't trust Afton.

tempets right 100%

Thanks tempest I got 15/15 100% yay

I do not agree with none of the haters this site is for people who don't understand and need help. If you don't like it stay off of the website.

ty tempest!!:)

Tempest is right and boo to all of these haters