a bag of fertilizer weighs 6 1/2 pounds. How much does 1 1/3 bag of fertilizer weigh?

A. 5 1/6
B. 6 1/6
C. 7 5/6***
D. 8 2/3
Am I correct? If not pls tell me why

a third of a bag weighs at least 2 lb ... so 1 1/3 weighs at least 8

So D?



Is it D or C?

@Giraffe lover Its D, D is the correct answer

So it's D?


Guys it’s D 8 2/3 Ib

yall some of you cant understand this some of you cant give a straight answer without yelling it but i suppose were all on here for the same thing so im a nobody to talk thanks though :)

To find out how much 1 1/3 bags of fertilizer weigh, you can multiply the weight of one bag by the given fraction.

The weight of one bag is 6 1/2 pounds. To find the weight of 1 1/3 bags, we multiply 6 1/2 by the fraction 1 1/3.

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together, and then multiply the denominators together. Thus, (6 * 1) / (2 * 3).

The resulting calculation is (6 * 1) = 6 for the numerator, and (2 * 3) = 6 for the denominator. Therefore, 1 1/3 bags of fertilizer weigh 6/6 pounds, which is equal to 1 pound.

Since 1 pound is not listed among the answer choices, it appears that there might be an error in the question or answer choices. None of the provided options seems to be correct.