Can someone help me with these

His face fell in folds like
He called his dog with a whistle as sharpe as a

Turn your imagination on!

What are the "folds" as in the first one? What do those look like? What else could those look like?

How does a whistle sound? What else makes such a sound?

It seems that your question got cut off. Could you please provide more information or complete your question so that I can better understand what you need assistance with?

Certainly! I can help you with these. It seems like you're looking for help with completing certain phrases or comparing different objects. Here's what you need to do:

1. "His face fell in folds like..."
To complete this phrase, you need to think of something that falls or droops in a similar way as the person's face being described. It could be an object, an animal, or even a metaphorical concept. Here are a few examples:
- "His face fell in folds like a crumpled piece of paper."
- "His face fell in folds like a wilting flower."
- "His face fell in folds like a deflated balloon."

Remember, the comparison you create should make sense and effectively describe the image or emotion you want to convey.

2. "He called his dog with a whistle as sharp as a..."
To complete this phrase, you need to think of something that is known for being sharp or high-pitched, just like the whistle being described. Here are a few examples:
- "He called his dog with a whistle as sharp as a knife."
- "He called his dog with a whistle as sharp as a siren."
- "He called his dog with a whistle as sharp as a scream."

Again, make sure the comparison you choose effectively conveys the intended image or sound.

Remember that these examples are only suggestions, and you can come up with your own creative comparisons. It's all about finding objects or concepts that evoke the right imagery and emotions.